Security Guards in the San Francisco Bay Area
When it comes to running a business in the Bay Area, there is no better feeling than having a secure workplace. No matter if you operate a construction site, manage a commercial property, or lead an enterprise, ensuring your assets are safeguarded on a daily basis is key.
At Creative Security, we make it easy to protect your business from theft, damage, and the unexpected with our standard security guard services. Tailored to your unique needs, our security guards in California can help you establish a layered security strategy in and around your property for ultimate peace of mind.
Whether you need to protect your employees, guests, property, merchandise, or equipment, our trained security guards go beyond reproach to deter potential criminals and maintain a secure perimeter around your site.
Security Guard Tiers
At Creative Security, we provide three different tiers of guards—including standard, advanced, and veteran—in our standard security guard services:
Standard security guards provide a visual deterrent to potential vandals and thieves, and can call the police in an emergency. They are equipped with a flashlight and cell phone but do not carry weapons.
Advanced security guards have better communication skills and more hours of field experience under their belts. They are referred to as lead guards, supervisors, or patrol officers. Like standard guards, advanced guards do not carry weapons.
Veteran security guards are made up of ex-law enforcement officers and ex-military personnel. Many of them have been in the business for years and have extensive certifications, including firearms training, de-escalation tactics, extensive report writing, knowledge of the law, and more.
Common Security Guard Responsibilities
While each security guard tier provides unique benefits and different levels of experience, they all share common responsibilities on the job, including: